A commitment to deliver abstract IP

EazyAIP DBA Abstract IP is a pioneering firm that allows the customers to select IP based on structure and high-level functional performance goals. We take care of all other details: optimized RTL, self-testing testbench, documentation.

Building exterior in Toronto, Canada

A passion for creating IP solutions

Our comprehensive suite of IPs aim to serve on-chip and inter-chip architects and designers.

Renovation and restoration

Experience the fusion of imagination and expertise with Abstract IP.

Continuous Support

Experience the fusion of imagination and expertise with Abstract IP.

App Access

Experience the fusion of imagination and expertise with Abstract IP.


Experience the fusion of imagination and expertise with Abstract IP.

Project Management

Experience the fusion of imagination and expertise with Abstract IP.

Architectural Solutions

Experience the fusion of imagination and expertise with Abstract IP.

An array of resources

Our comprehensive suite of IPs serves IC, FPGA and system architects and designers.

Abstract IP selection script

  • Download it and run it in the privacy of your company.
  • Ask questions via secure email.
  • Send us a secured email identifying the IP system you want and your main requirements.
Tourist taking photo of a building
Windows of a building in Nuremberg, Germany

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  • Exclusive access to design insights.

“Future customer: Abstract IP has saved us thousands of hours of work and has unlocked insights we never thought possible.”


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